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Abba Unlimited


is a Home and Community Services (HCS) Waiver Provider contracted with

 Texas Department of

Health and Human Services (HHSC). 

We are committed to

improving the quality

of life and promoting independence

for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

in Texas.


Our services are currently provided ​​in the Central Texas area, including cities and rural areas served by the following Local IDD Authorities:  Alamo Area Council of Governments (Bexar County), Austin Travis County Integral Care, Bluebonnet Trails Community Center, Central Counties, Heart of Texas, and Hill Country Community Centers.



We are always taking openings for Host Home/Companion Care Providers and Personal Attendant/Habilitation Staff!  If you are interested, please contact Jennifer at and state which position(s) you are interested in! 


Unfortunately, our group home openings are full at this time.







Email      :
Address  : Leander, TX 78641

Phone     : 512-294-5779

Fax          : 1-800-359-9460

© 2013 by Abba Unlimited, LLC


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